Thursday, 7 May 2009

So called "Lappy"

Yes some people call it lappy... my laptop suddenly stop working last thursday and my days without my own laptop was so dull... juz realise it had become so important in my uni life, away from HOME...

and i'm so proud to announce that it came back alive, after a big operation - motherboard replaced... and i've learned a lesson - always backup files in the laptop, from time to time - anything would happen...

yeah anything would happen... juz heard from my lecturer that a house in riccarton was broken into and some laptops were stolen... he recommended us to buy the laptop cable that locks the laptop to the wall...

"the thieves would normally be in the house for 5 to 10 minutes. so they would only take what is easy to take. if you laptop is locked and your flatmates' aren't, whose do u think would be stolen?"

but i can't nail the thing to the wall right? would have to pay for nailing the wall =) so... what should i do? keep my room locked when i'm not in? or put my flatmates' laptops outside??? =P

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