Wednesday, 11 June 2008


Yes it's exam period again... they said 1st pro is tough and yeah it is... have 5 papers in 2 weeks... and 1 of those worths 65% and another one 70%... so scary...

the worse thing is... i'm sick... taking flu shot prevents me from getting flu viruses from the others... but me myself caused the sickness... stayed up late, ate fried stuff + drank too much luo han guo... so i'm suffering... hope i dun infect my flatmates like what i always did last year~ ^_^

i like study week more than the last 2 weeks of the semester... was super busy with assignments and reports... and again they said i'll have more reports to write next semester~ sigh...

hope i dun fail any subjects this yr... i dun have $$$ and time to retake...

my fellow flatmates (except chia siong) are so FREE... they have only 1 paper... arie's paper is tomorrow but he just started to study last night... maybe he's too genius... 轮不到我羡慕... yeah after tomorrow i can ask him for help~ and for merlin and brian... their only paper is on the last day of exam... i'll have finished all my papers by then... muahahahaha... another genius in the house went hamilton this morning... for almost 2 weeks... haha he did this also last year... before exam but he still got all A+'s... can't complain... 轮不到我妒嫉...

finally for the only person who reads my blog (i think)... he has only one paper too...

看你们下个semester怎样死~ muahahahahaha~

huixian went back to malaysia this morning... ah... 羡慕 + 妒嫉...

looking for a job... for my practical work... don't know if i should work in christchurch or melaka... 轮不到我选择... 是工作选我,不是我选它... super sad~

and it snowed!!!

chia siong's car~

yes they're gay... bernard now u know why they wear the same jacket~

the guys + merlin's car (left) + brian's car

all of us in the snow in front of brian's room... i like this one the most~


Bernard "xiaoqiu" said...

Brian + Merlin = SUper Gay

xinyee said...

brian + bernard = ???